How: Visiting Apple Music’s web player will let you find and add the playlist to your account. Why Do You Care: It’s fun to see what you’ve been listening to over time. While it’s only February, you can listen to your favorite tunes of the year on a playlist that will update every month until the end of the year. Every year, streaming music services like Spotify and Apple Music release a way for their users to listen to their most played tracks from the past year. Spotify even put together an end-of-decade list, Wrapped, to let you hear tunes you’ve been streaming since 2010. It’s another way the services fight to attract and keep members. This early release of a year-end playlist may seem silly in February of 2020, but it’s got two advantages: One, you can check out Apple Music’s own web player, a handy way to access your music if you’re away from your iPhone. Two, you can watch your musical tastes evolve over time, as this playlist will update as you play more music with the streaming service. Whether this will keep people from switching away to Spotify or other competing streaming platforms is debatable, but it’s a lovely little thing to have if you’re already in Apple Music land. Via: Engadget