How to Uninstall Streamlabs From a Mac

Uninstalling Streamlabs works the same as deleting an app on your Mac, and the basic method of dragging it to the trash is typically all you need to do. That’s where you should start, and then you can delete individual elements if the need arises. Here’s how to uninstall Streamlabs from your Mac:

How to Delete All Traces of Streamlabs From a Mac

In most cases, it’s fine to just uninstall Streamlabs using the method described above and move on. However, Streamlabs may have left some configuration, support, and preference files on your Mac. If you want to remove all traces of Streamlabs from your Mac, follow these steps:

How to Automatically Remove All Traces of a macOS App

If you don’t have a lot of experience tracking down traces of an uninstalled app, it can be difficult to know exactly where to look and exactly what to delete. You’re typically safe if you limit yourself to deleting files named the same thing as the app, but there is a chance you could accidentally delete something important that isn’t actually related to the app you’re trying to remove.

/Library/Application Support/Library/Preferences/Library/Caches//Library/LaunchAgents/Library/LaunchDaemons/Library/PreferencePanes/Library/StartupItems

There’s no way to automatically remove traces of an app when you delete the app, but you can use a tool like AppDelete to automate the process. AppDelete is a utility that deletes an app you’re done with, like Streamlabs, and simultaneously finds and removes every related file so you don’t need to search for them manually.

What to Do if You Can’t Uninstall Streamlabs

If you receive a message that Streamlabs is in use and can’t be deleted, there are a few things you can try. In most cases, this error happens because Streamlabs is currently running, or because there is a stuck process. When that happens, try these fixes:

Press Option + Command + Esc > Streamlabs > Force Quit > Force Quit. Open Activity Monitor > Streamlabs > X icon > Force Quit. Reboot into Safe Mode, then attempt to move Streamlabs to the trash and empty the trash while in Safe Mode.