How to Access Your Google Purchase History

To see your Google payment history and recent purchases, you just need to log into your Google account and visit the Google Purchases page. Here, you’ll see all of your recent purchases, organized by date. If you scroll down, you’ll notice relatively recent purchases, as well as ones stretching as far back as the previous year.

How to Delete Your Google Purchase History

If you don’t want a record of all of your purchases to exist on Google’s servers, you can delete purchases from your Google purchase history. If you only want to remove one or a few purchases from the Google History, you can do that right from the purchase history page.

Prevent Google From Using Your Purchase History

Unfortunately, there’s no way to delete all the purchases in your purchase history in bulk. There’s also no way to stop Google from scanning your emails and adding purchases to this list. However, there are a few important things to keep in mind if Google’s monitoring activity bothers you:

The Purchase History list is only accessible to you, when you’re logged into your account. The only way to stop new items from being added to your Google Purchase History is to stop using Gmail. Keeping your Gmail account clean (empty all emails) will prevent anything from showing up in your Google Purchase history. You are able to stop Google from using your Purchase History in other products and services it offers.

To prevent Google from using your private Purchase History:

Google Account Tracking

Even though Google tracks your purchase history based on incoming email receipts, it’s important to keep in mind that the information is private and only Google has access to it. If this form of tracking still bothers you, the easiest way to deal with it is to keep your Gmail inbox empty of any emails. Or, if the fact that Google is trying to track all of your activity bothers you greatly, you may want to consider seeking out an alternative email service.