How to Enable Cookies in iOS 11 and Later

Assuming that you’ve already disabled cookies, enabling them again is extremely simple. That’s it, you can now resume viewing websites as normal. You are asked by each new website you visit whether you accept its cookies, and you can choose to tap Yes or No according to whether you trust each website.

How to Enable Cookies on iPhone iOS 7 Through 10

Enabling cookies on iPhones loaded with iOS 7, 8, 9 or 10 (iPhones 4 to 7 Plus) is almost identical to enabling them on the more recent operating systems. However, there is one extra step involved, as shown below: You could tap Allow from Current Website Only, which would mean that only first-party cookies are allowed, rather than third-party cookies from websites you’ve visited previously. You could also tap Always Allow, which would enable every kind of cookie, even those that don’t come from a party whose website you’ve visited.

How to Delete Cookies

You can choose to periodically delete the cookies you currently have stored without opting to permanently disable cookies. This might be desirable in situations where you’ve stored settings or visited sites you’d rather erase. Here’s how you do it: By doing this, you clear cookies you currently have stored on your iPhone without preventing new cookies from being saved during subsequent use.

Why Do I Need to Enable Cookies on My iPhone?

In our increasingly privacy-focused age, cookies are getting a bad rap. Some of this is justified, but this doesn’t change the fact that cookies can be useful. For example, cookies remember your login data for particular websites, so whenever you return to them you remain logged in and don’t have to go through the hassle of remembering your password every time you visit. Similarly, cookies remember your settings for specific websites and domains, saving you from having to answer the same irritating pop-up that asks whether you’d like to receive notifications. For online retail sites, they save what’s in your shopping basket, which means that they’re all-but-essential if you’re a regular online shopper. They are, in other words, a big timesaver, which is why enabling them is advisable.