Access Hidden Facebook Messages From the Desktop

The quickest way to check your hidden messages on the desktop is to find your Facebook message requests and filtered messages in a web browser. You can also check for these hidden messages on the desktop version of Facebook using the steps below.

View Hidden Facebook Messages With Messenger on Android

Check for hidden messages on the Android version of the Facebook Messenger app using the steps below.

View Hidden Facebook Messages With Messenger on iOS

Follow these steps to check for hidden messages on the iOS version of the Facebook Messenger app.

Facebook Message Requests and Community Standards

Facebook enforces Community Standards that cover bullying, harassment, threats, and sexual violence or exploitation. If you feel you have received a message that violates these standards, you can report the message to Facebook. Doing this will decrypt the encrypted message so the Facebook Help Team can review it. When this happens, Facebook does not tell the person who starts the secret conversation. You also have the option to block someone on Messenger. You can also block them on Facebook.