How to Fix a Computer That Turns on but Displays Nothing

Try these common fixes in the order we present them: Still having issues? Try these tips to fix a broken laptop screen. With the monitor disconnected from your computer, turn it on and off. If the display shows diagnostic information of any kind, you know the display is powered and is capable of displaying content. A computer might appear to “not be on” when actually it’s just having problems resuming from either the Standby/Sleep or Hibernate power saving mode in Windows. A beep code will give you a very good idea of exactly where to look for the cause of your computer turning off. There’s a good possibility that your PC wouldn’t power on at all if this switch is wrong, but an incorrect power supply voltage might also prevent your computer from starting properly in this way, too. Reseating will reestablish the various connections inside your computer and is very often a “magic” fix to problems like this one. Try reseating the following components and then test if your computer displays something on screen:

Reseat all internal data and power cables Reseat the memory modules Reseat any expansion cards

Replace your power supply immediately if it fails any test you perform. For example, disconnect peripheral devices that aren’t necessary for your computer to work properly, such as USB-connected storage devices. If your computer starts normally with only essential hardware installed, proceed to Step 11. If your computer still isn’t displaying anything on your monitor, proceed to Step 12. Since your computer powered on with only the essential hardware installed, those components must work properly. This means that one of the hardware components you removed is causing your PC to not turn on properly. By installing each device back into your PC and testing them each time, you’ll eventually find the hardware that caused your problem. Replace the defective hardware once you’ve identified it. If you don’t have and are unwilling to purchase a POST card, skip to Step 13.