While there isn’t one definitive reason for a lost mouse on Mac, there are numerous places to look to help bring it back.

Why Does My Mouse Disappear on My Mac?

Sometimes, finding a lost mouse is as simple as looking around for it on an external monitor. It’s not always possible to trace a lost mouse on a Mac to one specific reason, but some causes for a disappearing mouse include:

A low mouse battery. Lost Bluetooth connectivity.A firmware upgrade.Too many applications open at once.A problematic app.A software bug. 

How Do You Unfreeze Your Cursor on a Mac?

If you see your mouse cursor, but it’s frozen, an application could be the problem. Quit and restart the app you think could be the culprit and look for the same behavior. If you’re not sure which program is causing trouble, narrow the list by force-quitting apps one at a time from the menu bar. When a frozen cursor doesn’t seem app-related, and you’ve updated a mouse’s firmware, try plugging in the mouse to your Mac (if possible) to see if that fixes anything.  Another tried-and-true method is to reboot your Mac. If you’re experiencing a stuck cursor after you restart your device or close your lid, you might need to reset your Mac’s SMC and NVRAM, as described below.  

How Do I Get My Cursor Back?

To resolve a lost or frozen cursor on your Mac, run through this list of possible fixes.