Causes of Chromebook Touchpad Not Working

There are a few reasons why a Chromebook touchpad may stop working. Dirt and dust on or under the touchpad can interfere with the physical operation of the touchpad. Frozen or malfunctioning software can cause the cursor to stop moving. Some Chromebooks have a key combination that allows you to turn off the touchpad.

A Quick Workaround When a Chrome Touchpad Won’t Work

There’s a good workaround for a malfunctioning touchpad that is also a good diagnostic step. Use the touchscreen on your Chromebook to navigate (if applicable) or plug in an external mouse. If either or both of those work, then the problem is specific to the touchpad and not a bigger problem with the Chromebook.

How to Fix a Chromebook Touchpad That Is Not Working

After you determine you have a touchpad problem, and not something larger going on with your Chromebook, then you can start troubleshooting the problem. Here are some potential fixes you can try: If that’s the case, maybe it’s time to look at tossing your current Chromebook and snagging a new one. At least there are several great models on the market and they’re not crazy expensive compared to other laptops.