How to Get a Villager to Move Out on ANCH

You may have heard rumors if you mistreat the village you want to move—hitting them with bug nets and such—they’ll decide they want to leave. That’s not a guarantee they will. But there is something you can do. The easiest way to get villagers to move out is to ignore them. Now, this is not a fast process, but if you’re patient, it will work. Neglecting a villager—not talking to them, filling their requests, and avoiding them—is the surest way to get a villager to move. You have to spend a few days ignoring the resident you want to move, but you still need to keep an eye on them. After a few days, you may see the resident walking around with a thought bubble over their head, or they may even approach you while calling out your name. This is when you need to engage with the resident because they may be considering moving, and they’ll need your confirmation it’s the right approach. Once you engage with the resident, if they do mention moving, be sure to encourage that thought process. Telling them something like “Maybe it’s time,” or something equally indicative of support. Usually, the villager will move on fairly quickly. Sometimes even on the same day.

How to Get Rid of Villagers in ANCH With an Amiibo Card

An amiibo card is a character card you can purchase separately from the Animal Crossing website’s amiibo page. These cards work using near field technology (NFC), so you can hold them up to your Switch controller to activate them. If you have an amiibo card, you can use it to invite other characters to come live on your island. Once your island is full (you can have a maximum of 10 residents on an island), you can invite others using amiibo cards, which will prompt an existing islander to want to move. The downfall to using this method is the character you invite to move to the island will choose who they want to move off the island. It won’t always be the same person you want to move off the island. If that happens, it can always discourage the villager from moving. If you don’t have an amiibo card, you can also invite random strangers who come to camp on your island (camping is unlocked after you have helped build the Resident Services building and set up the first three additional home sites on the island). Once campers start arriving, talk to them. You may need to talk to someone several times before you get the opportunity to invite them to move to the island.