How Do I Get Weather on My Apple Watch? 

The majority of watch faces come with the weather built-in. Here’s how to view it comprehensively.

How to Adjust Weather Settings on Your Apple Watch

If you want to view more specific information about the weather, including changing the location, it’s easier to browse via the Apple Watch Weather app. Here’s what to do.

How to Change the City Shown on Your Apple Watch

If your Apple Watch face is currently displaying a city you don’t wish to view, it’s possible to change via your iPhone. Here’s what to do.

How to Get Weather on Your Apple Watch Using Siri

If you prefer to use your voice to look up the weather, the process is even more straightforward. Here’s what to do.

Why Is the Weather Not Showing on My Apple Watch Face?

Many watch faces have a weather complication already included. If yours does not, here’s how to add a relevant Apple Watch face as well as critical weather-related complications.