How to Remove MacKeeper

MacKeeper has been around for a while. It’s marketed as a collection of utilities, apps, and services that keep your Mac clean, protected from viruses, and in tip-top shape. In the past, some users found that MacKeeper caused more problems than it fixed. Early versions of MacKeeper had a reputation for being difficult to uninstall, but uninstalling recent versions is a straightforward process. When you decide it’s time to uninstall MacKeeper, here’s what you need to do.

Verify That MacKeeper Is Gone

While all traces of MacKeeper should be gone, it’s a good idea to verify that all associated files have been erased. If you uninstalled an older version of MacKeeper (prior to version 3.x), it’s more important to go through these steps to make sure no MacKeeper files are lurking around.

Clear Safari of MacKeeper

On its own, MacKeeper doesn’t install any Safari extensions, but if you downloaded the app from a third party, you might experience unwanted pop-ups.

Library/Application Support/MacKeeperLibrary/Application Support/com.mackeeper.MacKeeperLibrary/Application Support/com.mackeeper.MacKeeperAgentLibrary/LaunchAgents/com.mackeeper.MacKeeperAgent.plistLibrary/Caches/com.mackeeper.MacKeeperLibrary/Caches/com.mackeeper.MacKeeperAgent

To correct this problem, remove any Safari extensions that may have been installed.

Clear Your Keychain

If you activated MacKeeper or created a user account at MacKeeper, you likely have a keychain entry that stores your account password. Leaving this keychain entry behind won’t cause any issues, but if you want to rid your Mac of any MacKeeper references completely, do the following: