How to Rotate Images Using the Image Options

Even once you’ve inserted an image into your Google Doc, it might not be immediately obvious how to rotate the image. There are, however, several ways to get to it.

Rotate Images Using the Rotation Control

When you’ve selected an image, you may notice that the blue bounding box has square points at each corner and in the center of each side. These points are used to resize your image. But there is also a round blue circle at the center of the top edge of your image. This is a Rotation control. Once you’ve selected an image, you can select and hold on that blue circle to change the rotation of the image.

How to Flip an Image in Google Docs

Flipping an image is not the same as rotating it. Flipping an image will create a mirror image where text is backward and objects appear on opposite sides of the picture. But, to flip an image, you’ll need to insert it in your document using a different method. If you need to change the image again once you’ve inserted it, you can select the image and choose Edit from the menu that appears beneath it. That will take you back to the Drawing editor so you can make your changes.

Why Rotate an Image?

Rotating an image in Google Docs means you can change how it’s laid out on the page. Flipping an image is actually creating a mirrored version of it. There are a couple of ways to rotate images but only one way to flip images. Here’s how it works.