How to Add Superscript in Google Slides
To add superscript to a slide:
How to Add Subscript to Google Slides
To add subscript to text in a slide:
How to Insert Special Characters to Add Superscript or Subscript
If you’re looking for something a little fancier to add to your slides or you need to insert a certain character, such as a Greek symbol, you can use a tool called Insert Special Characters to get the job done. This option lets you select specific characters that you can’t otherwise add in Slides. To open and use the Insert Special Characters menu, follow these steps:
How to Undo Superscript or Subscript in Slides
If you change your mind about superscripting or subscripting something, just follow the same steps used to add the feature to a word. That process reverses the actions used to add superscript or subscript to your slide.
Why Use Superscript and Subscript?
Both superscript and subscript can indicate footnotes, call out citations such as trademarks, and be embedded into mathematical or scientific equations. Here are some examples:
Trademarks and service marks are written in superscript like this: TrademarkTM. Mathematical equations and chemistry compounds use subscripting (for example, H2O).