How to Turn Off Netflix Autoplay Previews and Next Episode Playback

When you’re wrapping up watching a show on Netflix, it can be annoying for a Netflix autoplay preview to suddenly kick in during the mid-credit sequence. Fortunately, there’s a way to keep that from happening. Here’s what you need to do.

Why Would I Want to Disable Netflix Autoplay Previews?

It might seem like a great feature, but there are plenty of reasons why you might want to disable it, even temporarily.

More time to savor your show: Has your favorite show just ended and you’re taking a moment to savor it? You don’t want to be disturbed by a preview for the next big Netflix show. Easier to resist: Autoplaying the next episode makes it so easy to binge watch, but it relies on you having no willpower. Switch it off before it gets that far.Inappropriate content: Netflix doesn’t always show previews of shows that are related to what you’ve just watched. This can be an issue if your children are in the room at the time: Reduced data usage: If you have a limited data allowance, you don’t want to use it up on unwanted previews. 

How to Turn Autoplay Previews and Next Episode Back On

Realized you miss seeing the previews, and you actually do want to binge watch without having to touch a button? Here’s how to switch Autoplay back on.