Fill Out the Sign Up Form on the Twitter Home Page

Here’s how to create a new account on Twitter, add a profile picture, and write a bio that your followers will see:

Choose Your Twitter Username

You may have noticed that Twitter never asked you about your username. That’s because it automatically creates one based on your name. You can see your Twitter username preceded by the @ symbol beneath your name next to your profile picture in the lower-left corner of the screen. If you like what Twitter gave you by default, great! There’s nothing you need to do. Otherwise, changing your username isn’t hard.

Fill Out Your Profile

Your profile gives your followers a bit of information about yourself. Here’s how to fill it out:

Send Your First Tweet

After you finish your profile, send your first tweet. It’s a little like a Facebook status update, except that the Twitter messages you send are public by default and must be short. To send a tweet, type a message of 280 characters or less into the text box that asks, “What’s Happening?” The character count drops as you type. If a minus sign appears, you’ve written too much. Trim a few words, and then when you’re satisfied with your message, click the Tweet button. Your tweet isn’t sent to anyone yet because no one follows you or subscribed to receive your tweets. Still, your tweet is visible to anyone who stops by your Twitter page, either now or in the future. Resist the urge (for now) to use strange Twitter language. You’ll learn the lingo as you go. 

Decide How to Use Twitter, for Business or Personal Goals

After finishing this beginning Twitter tutorial, your next step is to decide who to follow and what kind of followers you hope to attract. Your experience of Twitter will vary depending on how you choose to use Twitter, including who you follow and what you tweet.