With this recent acquisition, Apple intends to improve the listening experience for classical music-loving users and build up its own subscriber base. Primephonic shared a similar announcement, stating that current subscribers can continue the service for free until it goes offline on September 7. It is no longer accepting any new subscriptions. “As a classical-only startup, we can not reach the majority of global classical listeners, especially those that listen to many other music genres as well,” Primephonic said in its official statement. “We, therefore, concluded that in order to achieve our mission, we need to partner with a leading streaming service that encompasses all music genres and also shares our love for classical music.” Over the next several months, Apple Music users who love classical music will be able to search by repertoire and composer, use Primephonic playlists, and more. In addition to incorporating more classical music-friendly functions, Apple will also be releasing a dedicated classical music app early next year, which will combine Primephonic’s interface with several extra features. Once the service goes offline on September 7th, Apple will be providing current Primephinic subscribers with six months of Apple Music for free. Primephonic also urges subscribers to check their email for details on the changes, and their free 6 months of Apple Music. No additional information has been revealed yet regarding the planned classical music app.