Privacy on Twitter is important to a lot of people, which is probably why Twitter Safety announced the updates to its policy on the platform directly. According to Twitter, the goal was to make the new policy easier for the average person to parse by reducing the amount of legal jargon and using clearer language. It’s also released Twitter Data Dash—a browser-based game you can play that’s supposed to help people better understand the more complicated elements of the policy. Twitter Data Dash, as a game, is a mechanically simple affair that themes each level after a different aspect of using the social media platform. Jump over ads, avoid unwanted direct messages while opening the ones you do want, and so on. A text box appears at the start of each section to explain the goal and how it connects to Twitter, then you’re off to collect bones while finding other items or avoiding obstacles. Though the game is really more of a cartoonish depiction of using Twitter as a service—not any kind of descriptor of the privacy policy. For those details, you’re better off going over the updated website. It explains what data is collected, how it uses that data, how your information is shared, how long data is stored, what you can do to control your information, and legal rights. The new privacy policy is in effect as of today, and Twitter Data Dash is publicly available now.